Mount And Blade Warband Diplomacy Constable
Sell prisoners in the garrison directly (from the Constable) Ability to hire better trainers from the Constable (based on faction's quality policy) to train troops of level 6/9/11/13/15 (up from 6/10 before). Kannagi hanako. Proximity to training grounds will also yield more troops being trained.
Diplomacy:Diplomacy is my favorite mod made for warband. I really cant play the game without it and nobody should, to be honest. It gives you clear stats on your relation with the lords and their relation to their kings. On top of that it helps you manage the castles, fiefs or kingdom much easily with the help of advisors and wife.As vassal. Persuasion attempts to convince your king to start a war. Appoint a chamberlain, who will decrease tax inefficiency by 10% and gives you the ability to set tax rates. Taxes also have an effect on center relation and prosperity.
In addition he will take care of paying wages and collecting income as well as giving you the possibility to secure your money. Let your companions pick items from the chamberlain item pool (autoloot). Appoint a constable who recruits and trains troops and provides information about garrisons and troops of lords. Send patrols to important locations. Appoint a chancellor who sends gifts and messengers to other lords.
Village and town riots may occure if the people hate you and have to pay high tax rates.
The first mod Im reviewing is the diplomacy mod for mount and blade Single-player. If you play mount and blade mods you've probably heard of or played diplomacy. Basically what this mod does is and certain diplomatic statuses between certain faction to show their relation. This mod also improves upon the player kingdom system of the game. Once you capture your first fief you are prompted to hire certain staff members- a chamberlain to handle your economical affairs of your realm.
- Can change taxes on a fief
- Pay or withdrawal from your treasury
- Certain payments you receive are deposited directly into the treasury
- Constable to Handle your military affairs of your realm.
- Can hire patrols to guard your fiefs
- Can hire recruiter to go around to villages and recruit men for you
- Recruited men deposited directly into your garrison afterwards
- Can train recruits in the garrison of your fief.
- Can release prisoner lords of enemy factions if you wish
- Can sell prisoners for you
- Minister to handle internal affairs for your realm
- Can indict a disloyal vassal of treason
- Can tell you of quarrels between vassals of your realm
- Can hand out fiefs to your vassals
- Is replaced by your spouse/companion for more options
- Chancellor to handle foreign affairs
- Can be recruited after your kingdom grows larger
- Can send diplomats to other lords to ask for peace and such things
- can send gifts to other kings/vassals of other kingdoms to gain relation
- can give a general report on other kingdoms affairs
- War
- Truce
- Trade agreement
- Defensive pact
- Alliance