
Serial Number Warrior Orochi 3

1 Jan 2000admin
Serial Number Warrior Orochi 3 6,2/10 4038 votes

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WARRIORS OROCHI 3 (MUSOU OROCHI 2 in Japan) Weapon FAQBy wowsitsyugiVersion 1.004/28/12Introduction (aka 'About Me')(Skip this if you don't care about me at all, haha) Hi, this is wowitsyugi,and this is my Weapon FAQ. I don't usually write FAQs, as I prefer insteadto read them for a particular game and then play the game itself. Afteryears of doing this, I figured I'd give back a little and write one to helpothers. Hopefully, if this guide is well-received, it will inspire otherswho were like me (aka the 'FAQ-readers') to become 'FAQ-writers' too.:)I started playing the 'Warriors' series when Dynasty Warriors 3 came out.Well, actually, I played the Yellow Turban stage in Dynasty Warriors 2, but Imust've been 9 or 10 at the time and don't remember much other than it beingextremely difficult (hey, I was 9 or 10 at the time!). Anyway, DynastyWarriors 3 was the first time I put real effort into playing a 'Warriors'game, and it was a fantastic game. And because of that, here I am today,still playing these games.

One of the main things that always bring me backto these games is the vast variety of weapons available. I love collecting acopy of each weapon for every character, and I tend to do this for every'Warriors' game I play. And that is why this Weapon FAQ is being made.Version History1.00 (4/28/12) - Guide is created.Coming soon:- Information on DLC weapons as they continue to be released over time- Weapon Box 'locations' - a list of officers that drop weapon boxes inevery stageConsidering:- Maximized weapon attribute setup for every character. This is somethingthat requires a tremendous amount of time, so if I'm going to do it, the bestway would be to enlist the help of forumers to discuss maximization for all132 characters (!) in the game.

Unless the demand is high, don't get yourhopes up for this section.Table of ContentsI. General Weapon Information GWIII. Weapon Attributes ATRBIII. Weapon Database (with stats) WDTBi.

Wei WWEIii. Shu WSHUiv. Others 1 WOT1vi. Others 2 WOT2vii. Samurai Warriors 1 WSW1viii. Samurai Warriors 2 WSW2ix. Samurai Warriors 3 WSW3IV.

DLC Weapons (Coming Soon!) WDLCV. 'Personal' Big-Star Weapons PBSWVI. Weapon Box 'locations' (Coming Soon!) WBLCVII. Weapon Farming Tips WFRMVIII.

Frequently Asked Questions WFAQIX. Special Thanks SPTX. Contact Information CTCTXI. Legal Stuff LGLI. General Weapon Information GWIThe weapon system used in Warriors Orochi 3 is virtually the same as the onesused in the previous two games, except for some added features. If youplayed either Warriors Orochi 1 or 2 (or both), then you will know exactlywhat to expect.- Every character in the game has access to a 1-star, 2-star, 3-star, 4-star, and various big-star weapons.

Serial Number Warrior Orochi 3

The higher the number of stars, thestronger the weapon is in terms of attack power. Big-star weapons start offwith a very low base attack but can be upgraded to rival or even surpass the4-star weapons in terms of attack. The attack power is upgraded by raisingthe weapon's compatibility (next point).- Weapon compatibility (the green bar underneath the weapon's image)provides an attack boost for the current weapon. Weapon compatibility risesfor a weapon when that weapon is used to kill enemies in battle.

More totalkills result in a higher compatibility and thus, a higher attack boost. Whenthe weapon compatibility has reached maximum, the weapon can no longer gainan attack boost. 1/2/3/4/big-star weapons receive an upgrade of+7/+11/+14/+18/+54, respectively, when the compatibility has reached maximum.- Weapons can also be upgraded by adding attributes to the weapon (e.g.Bolt, Might, Brawn, Typhoon, etc.). These attributes can improve not onlythe weapon's damage output but affect it in many other ways as well.

Thenext section 'II. Attributes' provides detailed information on all theattributes available in the game. A weapon can carry up to 8 attributes.Most attributes are stackable, meaning that they can be upgraded throughweapon fusion (next point) to improve their effect. Some attributes are non-stackable (the rare/gold ones) and cannot be upgraded.- Weapon fusion is a concept first introduced in Warriors Orochi and worksthe same way in WO3 as it did in WO1. If you have two weapons with variousattributes on them, you can combine the two weapons and in turn, transfer allattributes from one weapon to the other. One weapon will be lost while theother weapon will have attributes from BOTH weapons. If two weapons have thesame stackable attribute, weapon fusion can be used to improve the effect ofthat attribute.

For example, if Weapon A has Bolt +4, Harmony +3, Diligence+6 and I fuse it with Weapon B, which has Bolt +3, Courage +2, Diligence+1, then I'll be left with Weapon A (the first weapon is kept, and thesecond one is lost) with attributes Bolt +7, Harmony +3, Diligence +7,Courage +2. Simple math right?

Stackable attributes cap at +10. Gold/Rareattributes are not stackable during weapon fusion. Weapon fusion is done byvisiting the weapon dealer and requires gems.- There are many different ways to obtain weapons in Warriors Orochi 3:1. From Weapon Boxes dropped by specific officers during battle- In general, the higher the game difficulty and stage difficulty(number of stars), the higher the quality of weapons.

Thus, a onestar stage on Easy will give you the worst weapons while a 10 starstage on Chaos will provide the best possible chances for goodweapons. Weapons received from weapon boxes come with randomattributes.

Higher quality weapons come with more attributes and/orgreater attribute level (the 'plus' number) than low-quality ones.Gold/Rare attributes are confirmed to be obtainable by playing onHard stages with 8+ stars and Chaos stages with 6+ stars. There havebeen reports of people finding Gold attributes on easier difficultiesas well, so you can try them if you're feeling lucky. In general, itis better to play high difficulties if you really want the Goldattributes. Big-star weapons cannot be obtained through this method.- The same officers always drop weapon boxes in each stage. However, ifyour weapon has the Prosperity attribute on it, then there is a chancethat any officer will drop a weapon box upon death.2.

From the weapon dealer- The weapon dealer is found in the Camp and sells weapons in exchangefor gems and crystals. Big-star weapons are always available in theweapon shop at any time and cost gems + crystals. 1-4 star weaponsonly cost gems. If you are only on Chapter 1, the weapon dealer willsell 1-2 star weapons. He sells 2-3 star weapons during Chapter 2,mostly 3-star weapons during Chapter 3, and 2-4 star weapons duringChapter 4. You can see all attributes on a weapon before you purchaseit, so the weapon dealer is a good way to obtain attributes that youwant on a weapon. You cannot obtain Gold attributes from this method.- The stage difficulty of the stage you just completed does affect thequality of weapons that the weapon dealer sells.

If you had justcompleted a stage with a low number of stars, the weapon dealer willsell cheaper weapons (in the 3-5K gem range) with very littleattributes. If you are coming off a victory in a harder stage (highnumber of stars), the weapon dealer will sell more expensive weapons(8-10K gems) with many more attributes.3. Through lottery tickets- Lottery tickets are given to you by allies present during a battle atthe end of battle. If your character's bond with one of the allies isabove one bar (in the yellow), then there is a chance they will giveyou a lottery ticket at the end of battle. Visit the weapon dealer touse lottery tickets, and you will receive 10 random weapons for yourunlocked characters. The quality of weapons you get is based on thequality of weapons being sold at the weapon shop, so it is generallywise to save lottery tickets for Chapter 4 if you wish to receivehigher-quality weapons.4.

Bonds- If your character's bond with one of the allies present in a battle ismaxed out(all 3 bars), then you will always receive a weapon for thatcharacter from this ally as a gift at the end of battle (that's a lotof prepositional phrases in sequence!). From my experience, you willalways get a 2-4 star weapon.5. DLC- Weapons bought from Weapon Packs are typically available to youimmediately.- Weapons bought as part of a Stage Pack need to be unlocked by beatingthe appropriate stages.- Weapons that appear in this game were taken from Dynasty Warriors 7 andSamurai Warriors 2/3, although some big-star weapons were taken from DynastyWarriors 4 and 6 (e.g. Meng Huo's Beast King from DW4, Zhang He's Mysteryfrom DW6, etc.). Certain weapons were also created just for this game (e.g.Sima Zhao's Celestial Fang, Zhuge Liang's Swan Wing, various 'joke' weaponsfor the 'Others' faction, etc.).- Finally, every character can hold up to 8 weapons at once (excluding DLCweapons). If a character has 8 weapons and he/she gains another one, thegame will prompt you to either replace an existing one with the new weapon ordiscard the new weapon entirely.II. Weapon Attributes ATRB- Every weapon can carry up to 8 attributes.- Attributes that are elemental (Absorption/Osmosis included) generallyactivate on charge attacks (but not all) and at the end of the square string.However, some characters get elemental activation for R1 specials (e.g.

Nuwa,Toyotomi, Taigong Wang), EX attacks (e.g. Wang Yuanji, Guan Ping, Yueying),and Musou attacks (e.g. Sun Ce, Nuwa).- Attributes such as Celerity, Guerdon, Prosperity, Providence, and Wisdomrequire the character equipped with them to do the killing.Stackable Attributes (cap at +10)-Absorption ('elemental') - absorbs life from enemy when attackingAgility - increases attack speed on all attacksBlast - increases damage for projectiles and shockwave attacksBolt (elemental) - stuns enemies and deals fixed damage relative to enemy'smax health.

Damage can be stacked with Wind and Slay as well.Brawn - increases damage for normal (non-charge, non-musou, non-special)attacksCavalier - increases damage for attacks while mountedCelerity - movement speed occasionally doubles (for 30 seconds) upondefeating enemy officersChronos - extends resting time in between combos. Combos take longer toterminate.Courage - increases damage against enemy officersDestruction - increases damage of Musou attackDiligence - increases experience obtained during killsFlak - increases damage against airborne enemiesFlame (elemental) - burns the enemies, causing depleting health whileairborneFrenzy - increases damage of Special (R1) attacksGuerdon - enemy officers occasionally drop gems upon deathHarmony - increases rate of weapon compatibility increase (takes less killsto rise)Ice (elemental) - occasionally freezes enemies, rendering them motionless fora set time. Higher attribute level increases chances of freezing.Industry - increases rate of proficiency gain (takes less kills to rise)Might - increases damage of charge attacksOsmosis ('elemental') - absorbs musou from enemy when attackingProsperity - enemy officers occasionally drop weapon boxes upon deathProvidence - enemy officers occasionally drop item boxes upon deathReach - increases attack range, creating an extended, invisible hitboxSlay (elemental) - chance to one-hit kill regular peons and deals fixeddamage relative to enemy's max health. Damage can be stacked with Bolt andWind as well.Wind (elemental) - makes attacks unblockable and deals fixed damage relativeto enemy's max health. Damage can be stacked with Bolt and Slay as well.Wisdom - regular peons (not enemy officers as listed in the in-gamedescription!) occasionally drop a mini-EXP scroll (+150 EXP) upon deathGold/Rare/Non-stackable Attributes- Confirmed on Hard 8+ stars and Chaos 6+ stars. Nvidia geforce 9600 gt 1gb driver for mac. It is possible to get oneasier difficulties as well but will require extreme luck.Brilliance - when Musou gauge is full, every attack carries elementscurrently equipped on the weapon.