
Viewer Guide Answers Faithful Abundant True

1 Jan 2000admin
Viewer Guide Answers Faithful Abundant True 9,1/10 8252 votes

The Bible Study Book is a versatile study guide for this women's Bible study that can be used in a retreat setting or for a seven-session study. Each teacher provides two weeks of study in a brief format that will take most women 15 to 30 minutes daily. As a bonus, Faithful, Abundant, and True Bible Study Book includes a partnership with. The Faithful, Abundant, True: Three Lives Going Deeper Still Member Book is a versatile study guide that can be used in a retreat setting or for a seven-session study. Beth, Kay, and Priscilla each present two weeks of study in a brief format that will take most women 15 to.

Good morning, my friends! Happy Monday.So the title of the lesson kind of says it! God wants us to live like we believe and trust Himand the time is NOW.The following questions are in our lesson for us to ponder:1.Why do you think people often postpone trusting God’s ability when they are in tough circumstances?2.What are some of your most common excuses for not depending on God to handle your concerns?Do you ever get to the end of your day and realize that you frantically tried to handle everything on your own rather than trusting in God? Constantly?Which of the following words best describe how you feel when you are trying to control things yourself?.exhausted.overwhelmed.ill-equipped.unable.

otherWhy do you think Satan would love to convince us that we are fully capable of taking care of our own needs?Consider the following list and honestly consider what God is calling you to do right now, and write down the things that stand in the way of you acting on your choice. Then write why you should act NOW!.My reasons to delay acting on God’s word to me include.The reasons why I should obey God’s commands are.If I obey, I risk the following.If I delay, I risk the following results.Has there ever been a time you can think of when you intended to give something over to God, but just not right then? What happened?“Many experience the desire to follow God in a specific action only to have their desire swallowed up by laziness,greed, or fear.

The Holy Spirit inspired action remains undone because we delayed in its immediate application. Merely desiring to do something for the Lord and actually doing something are two very different things,laden and unfulfilled desires may either result in disobedience or a hindrance to our walk with the Lord.”.When we delay acting on a desire, how do we decrease our chances of actually doing anything?

7 He again fixes a certain day, “Today,” saying through David after so long a time just as has been said before,“TODAY IF YOU HEAR HIS VOICE,DO NOT HARDEN YOUR HEARTS.”Use the two verses above to write a challenge to yourself to begin acting NOW and immediately on the desires God grants you through His word. After doing so, pray about and talk to God and ask him to give you the desire and power to live out the challenge.“Whatever God has asked you to pursue, He will accompany you to complete.

You can move forward with confidence since His ability will equip you to accomplish any task that He places before you. The time is NOW to pursue all that the Lord has for you.”. On the first page of this lesson, we are shown five promises that apply to us as believers. Which one of the five do you struggle with the most and why? The lesson also speaks about having a STRONG foundation. “Have you ever exhausted yourself because you were not fully embracing God’s ability to work in your circumstances?” I know I sure have, in fact I’m in the midst of something like that right noweven as I type this.Wow! The encouragement comes when she asks us to pat ourselves on the back for the work we are doing right now.Are you currently taking any measures to enhance the richness of your spiritual foundation?Which one of the following words best describes your spiritual soil?.Malnourished?.Average?.Healthy?.Above Average?.Excellent?Have you ever gone through a time or situation in your life when you tried to build upon a poor spiritual foundation?

What did you learn from that?She pretty much sums it up when she says, ” Sister, your foundation is critical to your spiritual growth, and is composed of what you believe to be true about God.” She asks us to take inventorylisting six words or phrases that you would list of what you think about God.Whoa!!! I don’t think I have ever consciously done that.The lesson goes on to ask us how those descriptions affect our daily livesdouble whoa for me.I don’t know about you, but this is really resonating with me and causing me to do a “self check”good stuff! Deuteronomy 32:44 “The Rock! His work is perfect,For all His ways are just;A God of faithfulness and without injustice,Righteous and upright is He. 1 Chronicles For great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised;He also is to be feared above all gods.26 For all the gods of the peoples are idols,But the LORD made the heavens.27 Splendor and majesty are before Him,Strength and joy are in His place. Psalm 33:4.

4For the word of the Lord is upright, and all of HIS work is done in faithfulness.Ephesians 3:20-2120 Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, 21 to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. AmenWhich one of these verses speaks to you the most about His faithfulness? Explain why.Have any of us ever let anothers faithlessness affect our faithfulness? How?When determining our stance on God’s faithfulness, why is it so important that we look only to the Bible and not to others?In order to grow, we may need to do an OVERHAUL and ask God to refresh our spiritual foundations. As we move through the weeks ahead, think about thatif we catch it and ask him to remove it and replace it, we will surely experience growth.

Ephesians 4:2929 Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, so that it will give grace to those who hear.Do you have an example of when you heeded this advice or one of when you wish you would have?.Is there a time in your life when you took a stand for God? How did He use that decision to help you mature in faith?Has everyone found the answers to the questions in the viewers guide for this session?Session Three.Here we go. So much good stuff to take in on this lesson.

I will have to shorten it, unfortunately to get caught up to the third week. If I miss something you think would encourage or bless usplease tell us about it, using the comments at the bottom. I have this closed for only our group to see, this blog should not really come up in search engines, etc.

If you find that it is, please let me know so I can change the settings. I wanted this to be a place we could come and really grow and not hold back.We are encouraged in this lesson to live by faith and NOT the FEAR of man. If the word of faith is in your court, what will you do with it?“As we live this life of faith, we are to fix our mind on Jesus at all times. Oh how I long to remember this, to do it, to be cognizant of Jesus in everything. Faith is a way of life.” “No matter what the times bring, let us not grow weary and lose heart.

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Let us endure (here is that word for me again). How are you going to handle life when it gets shaky? Let me rephrase that, “How do you handle it?” What is Jesus able to do for you when you are tempted?As quoted by Kay Arthur on page 47 of our books, “Let me give you my definition of the REST of faith.” Rest is uniting the Word with faith and living in it at that very moment. It’s the action of faith for today-for this moment, this situation. If I were going to five you a visual of the rest of faith, it would be your head resting on the Bible. ” “Unbelief is a lack of faith!” “And that is a sin.” “The word of God must be united with faith!” “To know God’s word is one thing, but to live by it,k apply it, trust it, act on it, cling to it, that is another thing altogether.”.“Will you obey?’ “Will you rest?” “Will you unite God’s Word with faith and live accordingly?' ” If notwhat WILL you do?”.

DescriptionJoin Beth Moore, Kay Arthur, and Priscilla Shirer in a women’s Bible study recorded live at the Orlando Deeper Still conference. Kay Arthur teaches from basically, the entire book of Hebrews! Hebrews is both an example of God’s faithfulness and a challenge to believers to be faithful in difficult times.

Priscilla Shirer teaches from Ephesians 3:20-21 on God’s abundance. A fundamental basis for every believer is the absolute reality that God can do whatever He chooses to do. God’s ability empowers our faithfulness. Beth Moore teaches on the topic of discernment. In these difficult days it is absolutely essential that we learn to trust the Holy Spirit to enable us to determine what is true and what is false.While these three women each speak on the distinctive topic the Holy Spirit had lead them to teach, the messages result in a marvelous blend. Kay challenges us to faithfulness in difficult days. Priscilla points to the essential of trust in God’s ability, and Beth teaches on how to discern truth from error in these difficult days.The member book is a versatile study guide for this women’s Bible study that can be used in a retreat setting or for a seven-session study.


Each teacher provides two weeks of study in a brief format that will take most women 15 to 30 minutes daily. As a bonus, LifeWay Women’s ministry has partnered with HomeLife magazine for some extra features that explore God’s faithfulness, abundance, and truth in practical ways.Member Book includes:. 6 Weeks of Guided Study. Retreat Plan (great for a Friday evening – Saturday evening schedule). Group Leader HelpsSupport Materials. Viewer Guide with Answers. Viewer Guide without Answers.