
How To Install Jprofiler In Intellij

1 Jan 2000admin
How To Install Jprofiler In Intellij 8,4/10 9866 votes

I 've started a Java application with the args :

then the console showed:

JProfiler offers IDE integrations for IntelliJ IDEA, eclipse and NetBeans. To install an IDE plugin, invoke Session-IDE Integrations from the main menu. The plugin installation for IntelliJ IDEA is performed with the plugin management in the IDE, for other IDEs the plugin is installed directly be JProfiler.

Then I could connect by JProfiler GUI now.

But I need connect that via another Java application with JProfiler API. How could I connect that ? By any VM argument ?

I just know maybe I have to create a connection first , but I don't know how to choose the session ID.

If I ran the agent application then connect via JProfiler GUi firstly ,I could get the cpu information by my Java application , including then running my JProfiler API application .

Parrot zik download for mac. But I'll get nothing if I ran the agent application then connect via my JProfiler API application firstly.

After ',nowait', add ',config=[path to config file],id=nnn' where '[path to config file]' is %USERPROFILE%.jprofiler8config.xml and 'nnn' is the session ID that is visible in the top-right corner of the application settings tab in the session settings dialog.

How can I connect from IDEA JProfiler plugin to a JVM started without nowait?

When the profiling agent waits for a connection at startup, the attach mechanism does not work, because the jvmstat system that enables attach has not been loaded yet. In fact, no Java classes have been loaded so nothing that requires Java code can work at that stage. To profile such..

How to connect a JProfiler session with the designed ID?

After ',nowait', add ',config=[path to config file],id=nnn' where '[path to config file]' is %USERPROFILE%.jprofiler8config.xml and 'nnn' is the session ID that is visible in the top-right corner of the application settings tab in the session settings dialog. Le nouveau taxi 3 guide pedagogique free download.

Heap memory consumed more than committed memory


The script that started Glassfish overrode the -Xmx parameter.The -Xmx parameter was set to 2G which explains the graph.

In JProfiler how to expand the number of biggest objects?


Right Click --> Use selected Instances --> Biggest Objects

JProfiler, check Hibernate cache hit

As of 8.1 this is not possible. I've added this to the issue tracker.

Add and name a bookmark jprofiler


In interactive mode, you can right-click an existing bookmark and change its name. If you use the API or a trigger action, you can specify a name when the bookmark is created.

JProfiler Remote Application Integration in web sphere 8.5


The VM parameters for the server go into server.xml, not into the start script. The start script just starts an admin server that terminates when the operation is complete. I would recommend to use the Websphere integration wizard under Session->Integration Wizards->New Server Integration..

Analyze all garbage in memory by jprofile


In the allocation hot spots and call tree view, you can set the 'Liveness mode' to 'Garbage collected objects'. Then you will only see objects that have been GCed. ..

JProfiler Offline mode for remote server


1) The heap dump is not a separate file, it will be contained in the snapshot file. 2) If you did not specify an absolute directory in the 'Save snapshot' action, the files will be saved in the working directory of the profiled process. 3) The JProfiler agent will write..

How can I have JProfiler open source code in IntelliJ?


Is it possible to see the code in IntelliJ when the profiling is initiated from the standalone JProfiler application No, that is not possible, you have to start the profiling session from IDEA to get source code navigation in the IDE. Another possibility is to save a snapshot in..

Jprofiler - how to collect default probes data with Java api?


You have to call connection.recordPayload(..) See the Javadoc for that method in com.jprofiler.api.platform.connection.Connection. A general note on using ConnectionFactory: If you just do offline profiling and want to save snapshots for later analysis, use the Controller API and profile with the ',offline' parameter appended to the -agentpath command. The remote..

How to detach Jprofiler8 'jpenable' remote agent

Unfortunately, it is not possible to unload a JVMTI profiling agent. The JVM only unloads agents when it shuts down.

couldn't run the TestProgram of JProfiler offline sample


Replace the -agentlib VM parameter with -agentpath:C:Program Filesjprofiler7binwindowsjprofilerti.dll=offline,.. and remove the -Xbootclasspath VM parameter..

install4j: Executing bash file


Ok, first a few things to check: make sure that you're running the batch file after the install files step (you mention it being at the root of your install) best to have the wait for termination checked and a variable for the return code. redirect stderr to the log..

Why does JProfiler not show my classes/methods in maven tests profiling?


The trick is that Maven failsafe plugin runs integration tests in a separate JVM : A typical Maven build with unit tests and integration tests can easily use 3 different JVMs : Maven main JVM (compile, package), launched by the mvn command Surefire JVM (unit tests), launched by the Maven..

How to skip the information of “Waiting for a connection from the JProfiler GUI” while first connect JProfiler


Just add `,nowait' to the -agentpath command, then you skip that message. This is not 'offline profiling', you can just connect with the JProfiler at a later time. For offline profiling, you add the ,offline parameter and reference a special config that contains triggers and action so you do not..

A couple of weeks ago I found myself in a position which is well known to any professional Java developer: my software was simply too slow. After tackling some obvious pain-points, I had to turn to help of a profiler. At the end of the day, I managed to cut the execution time of some processes by 50% and more, by using JProfiler form ej-technologies.

The Open Source Alternatives
As an Eclipse user and a strong OSS supporter, I first started searching for the open source alternatives. In the past, I have used the Eclipse Test & Performance Tools Platform, aka TPTP. However, TPTP is no longer an option for me since it does not support Mac OS X. TPTP is a good, solid, tool but it is not a simple one to install and use. Just to be clear: a simple tool would be a tool I can install and use without reading a manual. TPTP comes with a complex setup process.

I searched for some other free tools. I found this list of open source Java profilers and wasted about 3-4 hours running through it. None of them worked well. Most of them were buggy, some eventually worked but did not produce enough information or produced too much information, which is just as bad. Most of the tools are focused on memory analysis, while I needed execution time analysis. I had to look elsewhere.

My Experience with JProfiler
I'll start from the bottom line. JProfiler is not the prettiest tool you can find. Its' integration with Eclipse leaves much to be desired. However, it has many advantages:

  • Very simple to use, compared to tools in its' class.
  • Provides all the information you will desire with extensive views and predefined filters to make sure you'll get just the information you need.
  • Relatively low execution overhead with many profiling options (instrumentation, sampling, etc.) and highly configurable settings.
  • It displays the information while the program is running, as opposed to other tools I've used, where you have to stop the analysis to get some results.

I downloaded JProfiler and installed it using the provided installer. Like other profilers, JProfiler integrates with the IDE, supporting Eclipse and IntelliJ. In Eclipse, you use the 'Profile' command, which uses the same 'Launch Configurations' as the 'Run' and 'Debug' commands. At this point, you'll be transferred to JProfiler to start the profiling session. It took me less than half an hour to start profiling (including the download and installation), without any prior knowledge of the product and without reading any documentation. It took me another half an hour to explore all the views and understand where I can start cutting execution time. About half an hour later, I was running much faster. As I wrote earlier, about 50% faster with a couple more fixes I did that day.

Since then, I had a chance to use JProfiler on a number of occasions and it just works: profile, find the problem, fix and retest. I don't need any special preparation or setup: I just launch JProfiler using my existing launch configuration and a couple of minutes later I have the results. I even tried it on Windows, as well and it works exactly the same. You don't need to buy an additional license for that: you can remotely profile your application across the supported platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux, Solaris, AIX and HP-UX) without running JProfiler on the remote machine.

JProfiler in Action
I'm not an expert user and my experience with JProfiler is limited. I took a few screenshots to show how simple yet powerful is JProfiler. The first screen is the Session Startup, which is the first dialog you get when you launch a new profiling session.

What I like most about this window is the two lower bars that give you an estimate on how intensive this profiling session is going to be in terms of memory and CPU usage. If you change any of the profiling parameters, these bars will reflect the change. Going into the profile settings, you get an assortment of configuration options:

You can choose from predefined settings or use a custom settings. Once you select an option you'll see some explanation in the dialog itself, so there's no need to start looking for documentation. Once you get the hang of it, you can start exploring the custom options, but I found the predefined settings totally sufficient for my needs.

My focus was on execution time of a simple Java program, so the default option worked best for me. When analyzing my execution time, the most helpful tool was the 'Hot Spots' view:

In this view, the most expensive calls are sorted in a descending order. You can expand the call and see which methods invoked it and, for each of those methods, what was its' share in the overall performance cost. This graph is updated every 5 seconds while the program executes.

You may also choose to see it as a call graph:


In this graph, each method gets a color according to its' contribution to the overall performance. The more expensive the call, the darker it will be. For each method you can expand the callers and methods being invoked. This makes it a good tool for identifying the critical path. All of these views can be exported to a readable HTML format, including the graphs.

It is my opinion that every professional developer should know how to profile code. I don't believe profiling is an art which should be left to dedicated performance teams (my former employer took that approach), mostly because it is the combination of knowing the code and mastering the profiling technique which yields the best results. In an ideal situation, every developer should have a profiler in his or her arsenal, ready to be launched at any given time.

Should you buy a profiler? Even if TPTP works on your platform, it is still behind the commercial tools. It seems that profilers are one of the few segments in the development tools market, where open source tools are not catching up with their commercial counterparts. It is more of a question of how you value your time. You can read my related post of the subject from one year ago: When saving a buck actually costs you more. JProfiler will simply provide the results faster.