
The Long Dark Sprinting

1 Jan 2000admin
The Long Dark Sprinting 5,5/10 532 votes

Originally posted by:I walk most of the time, but I sprint in a few places:- if there's a hard wind blowing and scattered places to take cover, I'll sprint through the wind from cover to cover, and walk while protected.- I sprint near the end of day if I realize I'm near the place I plan to spend the night and I have more energy than usual- something about Forlorn Muskeg makes me sprint more. Obviously to cross small icy patches, but I also find myself alternating between sprint/walk as I move across the map. I stand corrected, Crossing weak/thin ice is a real good reason to sprint. I run quite often, but it's situational. I tend to sprint up hills (after listening for footsteps) so there's less time to be surprised by a sneaky wolf. I sprint to save on condition, too.I always make sure though that I'm not sprinting if I know I'm going to be climbing up or down a rope any time soon, or if my fatigue is getting too low and it'll lower my carry weight too much.The food/thirst/fatigue penalties for sprinting aren't that big of an issue unless you're in a very desperate situation. It's also a handy way to get tired enough to sleep until the morning hours.

Infinite Sprint Using this in Story Mode while climbing ropes will crash your game. It seems to work fine in every other mode. If you are playing in.

I like to sprint, and I know I'm not always smart about it, but when I am managing it just right, it's a good way to make sure my character can get a good 10-12 hours of sleep without any extra fuss.I think not being able to sleep through the night is the worst. I'd rather be exhausted during the last few hours of the day then be wide awake at dawn.Edit: maybe my comment wasn't relevant, though - if we're talking about wolves. I walk too unless it's a straight run. If I can ditch the wolf by sprinting, I will.

I don't like having them trail me too far. I've backed myself into another wolf too often.

When I first started playing I sprinted everwhere. As is my habit from other games.

Path of diablo single player mule. In TLD all it does is tire you out faster and THAT means you slow down as your optimum carry weight decreases.However, you can walk across several maps without needing to rest. It may seem slower, but when you factor in the extra rest time and the vulnerablity of being gassed should you need to run, it more than evens out.Eventually you get used to not sprinting everywhere, and you use it only when you need it. Sprinting can also be a bad idea when encountering wolves.

If they've spotted you and you run, they chase. They have to.

It's in their blood. Only run from them when you have a door or vehicle nearby to leap into. The best bet is to back away slowly, and try to put as much terrain between you and the wolf as possible, disappearing from their line of sight. Once they've lost sight of you, they begin to lose interest.Unless they can smell you. Brrr.I tend to only sprint towards the end of the day when returning to base on paths I know to be safe.


Serial number youwave 4shared. In built up areas like Milton this can be dangerous as your view is largely blocked by buildings, and wolves like to change up their 'patrol' routes. Hope that helps! Originally posted by:Sprinting can also be a bad idea when encountering wolves. If they've spotted you and you run, they chase.

They have to. It's in their blood. Only run from them when you have a door or vehicle nearby to leap into.

The best bet is to back away slowly, and try to put as much terrain between you and the wolf as possible, disappearing from their line of sight. Once they've lost sight of you, they begin to lose interest.Unless they can smell you. Brrr.I tend to only sprint towards the end of the day when returning to base on paths I know to be safe. In built up areas like Milton this can be dangerous as your view is largely blocked by buildings, and wolves like to change up their 'patrol' routes. Hope that helps! That's not true at all.

I sprint from them all the time after they've spotted me. You are correct however to either enter something or sprint and juke them using the terrain. You can also drop meat as a decoy. Originally posted by:I noticed when I was playing last night that I forgot to keep a little back and when it ran all the way out it would turn into a slowly regenerating red bar (unsprintable) Seems like you became over-encumbered. Sneaky trick while overencumbered, you can walk at close to normal rate (seems to work outside only) if you crouch then stand up again while encumbered, you will walk more quickly until you stop. Its not as good as running, but its a way to keep moving if you find yourself encumbered somewhere dangerous.

Originally posted by:I noticed when I was playing last night that I forgot to keep a little back and when it ran all the way out it would turn into a slowly regenerating red bar (unsprintable) Seems like you became over-encumbered. I always teeter on that fine edge where picking up just one more cattail makes it too heavy to run so that was probably it. Maybe I was tired just enough for my weight limit to decrease. Although, normally when it's a regular encumbered the circle would be a full red circle.

What I saw last night was a slowly regenerating red circle from 33% or so and growing. Originally posted by:Seems like you became over-encumbered. Sneaky trick while overencumbered, you can walk at close to normal rate (seems to work outside only) if you crouch then stand up again while encumbered, you will walk more quickly until you stop. Its not as good as running, but its a way to keep moving if you find yourself encumbered somewhere dangerous. Walking backwards is sometimes quicker too lol I wonder if the Hinterland gods can see us playing sometime.

Probably thinkin 'These people are a bunch of nut ballz'.